I attemped to create on of those simple moon lamps you can pick up at almost any general store, but got carried away after starting in on creating the base. This lamp is bulky and heavily stylized, but still quite beautiful. It is made of both glass and metal textures and even emits a soft glow from both of its moons. The lamp is a rather unique touch to any room you might be conjuring up. I myself, would call it a must-have in any metaphysical room, as it would certainly look at home amoung tapetries, tarot cards, and bruning incense. The sturcture is even animationed to have each section move clockwise or counterclockwise from its neighboring section, which makes for an eye-catching piece. This model works best when used within spaces that have odd/interesting lighting schemes which make its various moving sections glimmer and gleam. While it's not a staple for any room design, it is certainly an interesting pieces that can greatly enhance the correct locations.
What's included:1: The model of the Mystical Moon Lamp (in a veriety of differing file types)2: The animations to play upon importing it into any scene3: The preloaded material file to help it shine to the best of its potential.