Project Name : Interior Startup Livingroom SceenTechnicial Specifications;
This scene was produced using the Blender software. Inside this indoor scene there are: 1 sunlight, 1 camera, wall, ceiling and floor. Wall height: 2.80m. - front wall width: 6m. - sidewall width: 4m. - wall depth: 20cm. There is an HDRI Map connected to the word tab within the stage. HDRI Map Res. : 4k - Chair and Puff Pbr have material. Chair and Puff Texture Res. 2048X2048px .png
Overlay files are packaged inside the Blender file.
You can use this scene as a starting point for your render projects.
It is offered to you as two different models and one room plan.
All items in thumbnails are available in the project file