Your everyday livingroom chair.
This chair uses 3 different materials; Cussion(1-to-1 UV, 4k texture), Wood (tiling UV, 1k Texture) and Metal (1-to-1 UV, 1k Texture)
The Cussion material uses solid color, so that is very easy to change the color of the cussions should you want to. Se picture.
The Cussion material uses baked normals.Variations of wood to acompany different colors may be uploaded.
Rigg:The chair can be moved around using the master controller at its feet.It is possible to lean the chair using the cogwheel controller above the seat. Se picture.The skeleton hieracy uses a root bone at origo should you need it for game engine use.
Last picture shows the model in Unreal Engine 4.17, with slightly adjusted rougness value. Standard third-person scene with one highlight light source. Includes a Game FBX version, please use this for game engines. (This version has bone hierarchy at hierarchy 0)There are polyloops that can be removed to make the polycount lower should needs be, at the cost of little overall shape. I consider the typology to be LOD and realtime friendly.