Ancient Roman Dining Room A Collection and VFX

Ancient Roman Dining Room A Collection and VFX 3D model


Ancient Roman Dining Room of Private House [Triclinium]. Complete Set Collection of 40 3D Models with Triclinium, Furniture, Frescoes, Mosaics, Tableware, Glassware, Food, 110 Textures and 5 Candle Light VFX Sequences. Accurate Archaeo Reconstruction _________________________________________________________________________Collection of 40 Items: a few of these items can be purchased also separately here at CgTrader.

Faithful Reconstruction of a Typical Ancient Roman Dining Room Triclinium [typical dining room] of an Ancient Roman House with all the commonest pieces of furniture, with Frescoes and Mosaics, with tableware, with food and elements, according to the Scientific Data and the Archaeological Evidence.

40 Perfect Models for Real Ancient Roman Environment Rendering [A-Dining Room; B-Tableware; C-Food] with 110 Hi-Def Photoreal textures and 5 different Visual FX Candle Flame-Light Sequences in different formats: editable NURBS Animation [.c4d], mesh [.3ds, .obj], picture [.jpg] and movie [.mov]!

In the Package you will find:

A-TRICLINIUM DINING ROOM [3 Models]1-1 complete Ancient Roman House Dining Room with original Roman Frescoes, Decorations and Mosaics [1]2-2 Models of 1 typical Ancient Roman Decorated Working Folding Door Triclinium System with 2 3D pre-set poses [closed; open], complete with hinges, ready to be animated and moved [2]

B-TRICLINIUM FURNITURE [6 Models]6 3D models of typical Ancient Roman Triclinium Furniture: [3]1-Triclinium Table2-Typical Ancient Roman Luxury Chair3-Typical Ancient Roman Stool4-1 Silver Candelabrum5-1 Silver Oil Lamp with Light-Flame FX6-1 Typical Ancient Roman Cushion with 5 different types of textures to create different types of cushions

C-ROMAN FOOD [More than 13 Models]More than 13 3D models of typical Ancient Roman Food: [4]1-Single Grapes and Bunch of Grapes with Basket with 4 different types of textures [green, gold, red, black] and an empty stem to create your own bunch of Grapes2-3 models of Sausage-Salami with 12 textures to create 9 different types of Sausages [seasoned, roasted and fresh] and Salami and 3 different types of Meat3-5 Olives with 5 different types of textures [green, brown, black, etc.]4-Preserve Pot with Cloth Cap5-Typical Ancient Roman Bread both full and cut open6-2 types of Pears with 2 sets of textures and both full and cut open7-3 types of Apples [yellow, green, red] with 3 sets of textures and models full and cut open8-2 Walnuts with Kernel9-1 Cake both full and cut open10-Honey Pot with bees decoration and top11-3 types of figs [green, mixed, black] with 3 sets of textures and models full and cut open12-6 eggs with broken egg shell and boiled egg and 6 different sets of textures, models full and cut open13-2 types of cheese [hard and soft-seasoned and fresh] with 2 sets of textures and models full and cut open

D-TRICLINIUM TABLEWARE AND GLASSWARE [More than 12 Models]More than 12 3D models of typical Ancient Roman Tableware and Glassware [5]1-Roman Glass Ewer A with its liquid contents model2-Roman Glass Ewer B with its liquid contents model3-4 different types of typical Ancient Roman Glasses [A-B-C-D, with Keras and Rhytium types] with their liquid contents models4-2 typical Roman dishes [Roman Dark Silver and Gold]5-2 typical Roman Cups A [Roman Dark Silver and Gold] with their liquid contents models6-2 typical Ancient Roman Egg Cups A-B [Roman Dark Silver and Gold] with decoration7-3 typical Roman Cups A-B [Roman Dark Silver and Gold] with their liquid contents models8-1 typical Ancient Roman spoon A [Roman Dark Silver and Gold]9-6 different types of typical Ancient Roman spoons B-C-D [Roman Dark Silver and Gold] with decoration10-Roman Glass Ewer B with its liquid contents model11-2 different types of typical Ancient Roman forks A [Roman Dark Silver and Gold]12-2 different types of typical Ancient Roman Table, Food and Dish Trays with decoration

E- More than 110 Hi-DEF Photoreal Textures starting 2048x2038 for the best rendering possible;F- Hi-Level of Definition on the Modeled and sculpted Details;G- 5 different Visual FX Candle Flame-Light Loopable Sequences in different formats: mesh [.3ds, .obj], picture [.jpg] and movie [.mov] to properly render Candle-Oil Lamp Flame-Light Sequences;H- Visual FX Candle Flame-Light editable NURBS Animation [.c4d] [loopable];I- Visual FX Advanced Candle Flame-Light Rendering Studio for [.c4d];J- With .TXT Guides;K- Alternate Walnut Kernel for Close-Ups and Divided Walnut Kernel;L- Human Reference 1.70 m Guide [C4D, 3DS, OBJ, VUE].

All the Models are sculpted Hi-DEF and Photoreal, perfect for every type of Rendering and for Hi-Definition Rendering and Close-Ups!

In the Roman Triclinium the positions were strictly determined:Left [for an external viewer] Couch is the Family Couch [B]Central Couch is the Couch of Honour [A]Right Couch is the Guest Couch [C]

Each couch was meant for three only so:Family Couch B:had a inner place [4] for the host, a central place [5] for the hostess or second family member and an outer place for freedman, usually a family's freed slave [6]

Couch of Honour A:had a left place [1] for the 1st guest of Honour [the so called locus consularis, i.e. place of the consul], a central place [2] for a second guest of Honour and a right place for a third guest of Honour [3]

Guest Couch C:had three places [7, 8, 9] for ordinary guests.

In the most traditional Roman families only men could lay in the couches. Women had to sit on the chair, usually the wife of the host. Other women and old men had to sit on chairs or stools. Children had to stand near their mother or sit on chairs or stools. In later times the wife of the host, the hostess, usually reclined next to her husband in position B5.

Romans didn't use knife as tableware, so knife was not a piece of tableware but of kitchenware: knife was used only in kitchen either by the cook/waiter to serve food. Food was usually prepared to be eaten with hands or spoons: meat and vegetables were usually served pre-cut. Fork was used by people at table only to serve themselves with food but not to eat. The use of fork and knife as in modern times has archaeological evidence for the Byzantine Era, but it was very rare. Regular modern use of fork and knife started XVII-XVIII century.

Models Polygons and Vertices [VUE and 3DS] for C4D and OBJ Polygons are [ca /2]:A-FOODFd01Grapes [1276;827][27192;15348][4066;3256][170929;98726]Fd02SausageSalami [138960;83169]Fd03Olives [30800;17375]Fd04Preserve [23178;13956]Fd05BreadA [8028;4702][8164;4903]Fd06Pear [28784;16329][11616;6464]Fd07Apple [47712;29050][20184;12618]Fd08Walnuts [30432;18387]Fd09CakeA [2880;1567][2980;1735]Fd10HoneyPot [102910;62147]Fd11Figs [25200;13243][13248;7413]Fd12Eggs [31472;21294]Fd13CheeseAHd [2208;1229][2300;1381]Fd13CheeseBSf [2880;1567][2980;1731]

B-TABLEWAREKw01EwerA [24392;13974]Kw02EwerB [24286;22470]Kw03Glass A-B-C-D [3762;2329][13536;7294][13510;7229][10846;5897]Kw04Dish A-B [28386;17808][32592;18196]Kw05CupA [91584;52272]Kw06EggCup A-B [15896;8705][81653;52555]Kw07Cup A-B [63496;38612][39776;23302]Kw08SpoonA [6842;4224]Kw09Spoon B-C-D [37952;20463][79540;43784][49372;29183]Kw10EwerC [40416;23264]Kw11ForkA [56059;31913]Kw12Tray A-B [43216;23729][23640;15542]

C-TRICLINIUM ROOM AND FURNITURETr01DiningRoom [8417;8660]FoldingDoorA [195271;156047]FoldingDoorB [195271;156930]Tr02Table [43564;39126]Tr03Chair [46866;42902]Tr04Stool [37936;34341]Tr05-06CandelabrOilLamp [68655;46806]Tr07CushionA [7680;4307]

These models are useful for many types of sceneries, ancient sceneries but also modern ones, as for Roman re-enactment.

The Archaeo.Sys 3D series is developing high-fidelity 3D reconstruction of Objects, Architecture and Scenes from Classical Greek and Roman Antiquity.

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Ancient Roman Dining Room A Collection and VFX
Royalty Free License 
Ancient Roman Dining Room A Collection and VFX
Royalty Free License 
Response 75% in 30.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) (6 files)142 MBVersion: C4D2-6to16Renderer: Default C4D+VUEVersion: C4D3-6to16Renderer: Default C4D+VUEVersion: C4D1-6to16Renderer: Default C4D+VUE
  • 3D Studio (.3ds) (5 files)212 MBVersion: 3DS1Version: 3DS2Version: ExtraFilesVersion: Tutorials&Extra
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (4 files)87.2 MBVersion: OBJ
  • Vue (.vue) (3 files)120 MBVersion: VUE2-6to12Version: VUE1-6to12Version: VUE3-6to12
  • Other 27.4 MB
  • Textures CandleVFX33.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2015-02-11
  • Model ID#111417
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 195,271
  • Vertices 156,047
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing