3d model of ceiling lamps Aliexpress
Height: 60mm
Width: 250mm
The luminaire is available in black and white.
Link to the seller: https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005002332446540.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.52204eb7miIBcY&s=p&ad_pvid=202107220434046983248014756390005926494_8&algo_pvid7-5bf61c2997 837fc3f85902-7 & btsid = 0b8b15f516269536445278307efa40 & ws_ab_test = searchweb0_0, searchweb201602_, searchweb201603_
Polygons 10562
Vertices 10640
For Corona render, it is recommended to install at least version 1.5, as the glossiness of the materials is adjusted with PBR in mind.