Set of household kitchen appliances Zline
StoveZline RAIN-36 Stainless Steel
Hood (built-in)Zline Insert-695
MicrowaveZline MVO-30-SS
Refrigerator (built-in)Zline RBIV-304-36
For ease of use, all objects are grouped. All parts have UVW scans. TurboSmooth is assigned to objects, anti-aliasing stacks are not collapsed. Materials, textures, geometry have a name in English. All textures are present in the archive.
In order to lighten the weight, the geometry in the *.OBJ file is without the TurboSmooth modifier. After importing the model into a third-party program, if necessary, assign the original modifier yourself.
Polycount: 87 380Verts: 52,371
Happy renderings!