3D MODEL DESCRIPTIONPatterns that women want to use but can't find. Now you can easily prepare cookies or make clay items. You can write the first or last name of your loved one. They can be made and downloaded for any birthday or celebration or even just for decoration.
3D PRINTING SETTINGSYou can print it on any 3d printer. It is loaded in solidworks and stl format so that you can easily make any changes when you want to make them. It is beneficial that the table temperature is 60 degrees and the extruder temperature is 210 degrees. I wish you success in the printing process.triangles:A:104B:1928C:1938Ç:2872D:1592E:116F:96G:2074H:116I:36J:884K:106L:56M:116N:92O:2348P:1148Q:2324R:1136S:2598T:76U:1366V:62W:114X:116Y:86Z:76