a small commercial kitchen with clean and dirty zone including:
Model elements are grouped, all textures are provided.Cameras are included for blend and fbx formats, provided thumbnails show the actual render output.
This is an improved version of my Commercial Kitchen model which is now PBR compatible.Textures are mainly 2K with some 4K and several 1K for smaller areas.The scene was created in 3ds max, re-edited in Blender and exported to other file formats, all of which share the same maps library (relative path: maps) and are fully textured.Please note that fbx already contains all necessary textures and will create the appropriate subdirectory upon import.Solids are in many cases triangulated for better texture compatibility.
If you need a different file format or have any other request, let me know. Currently available formats:MAX (vray + scanline), FBX, OBJ, BLEND