Workplace industrial style office with table and chairs

Workplace industrial style office with table and chairs 3D model


Workplace 3D model

3DRnB Scene 03- Workplace Interior for Cinema 4D and VrayforC4D

Our target is always to give the best quality without any compromise in the creation of our assets. Therefore we have physically accurate shaders, high resolution textures, very detailed geometries, cameras and lights with physically correct values, and scenes and render settings that will guarantee the best balance between the final quality and speed of use.

We like to think that we are offering much more than a simple collection of assets like the many you can already find online, by studying these scenes you will have a chance to understand how to set your own workflow in order to obtain consistent results.

In these scenes, you will find many render settings. From the very fast one for previews, to the production ones that will give you the best balance speed/quality, to those high quality ones if you like results without any noise and don’t mind the time it takes to calculate it.

Every scene will always have a PS post production file where you can observe how to modify the render in a fast and non-destructive way, an amazingly detailed pdf guide that will explain how we worked, which softwares and plugins we used and reasons behind certain decisions.

What’s included:

-Cinema 4D file (3D model, Vray cameras, lights and 56 shaders 100% DR ready) -All the objects you see are part of the 3d scene -High resolution textures -HDR image-Post Production files (Photoshop CC required for best use) -Final images saved in jpeg format (Any photoshop can be used) -PDF Guide with tips and techniques regarding modeling, lighting, rendering and post-production (English and Italian language )

Requirements: The 3D Scene has been tested with C4D R.14, 15,16,17 on both Mac and PC Minimum requirements for optimal results is VrayforC4D 1.9.0.b (compatible with VrayforC4D 3.4 when available) Photoshop CC is recommended Hardware requirements: 8Gb RAM, 16Gb strongly recommend

StatushevStat19902023-09-22 10:05:28 UTC
Looks great
StatushevStat19902023-09-22 10:05:28 UTC
Looks great
emerge882023-06-15 02:51:49 UTC
alexnil2022-08-26 00:54:32 UTC
Look nice
DUBYK2022-08-03 07:26:21 UTC
Item rating
3 0
andre-paulo-portugal2018-10-17 21:11:12 UTC
christopher-baumeister2018-04-04 09:47:17 UTC
18h452017-09-14 19:08:09 UTC
Workplace industrial style office with table and chairs
Royalty Free License 
Workplace industrial style office with table and chairs
Royalty Free License 
Response 67% in 2.3h
3D Modeling
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PDF (.pdf)57.9 MB
  • Cinema 4D 14-17 (.c4d)1.87 GBVersion: 14-17Renderer: V-Ray 1.9.0.b

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-06-13
  • Model ID#613147
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 4,830,650
  • Vertices 4,899,315
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing