Requires UNITY 3D !! I don't give support/help for others 3D engines (UDK, CRY ENGINE...)
Note: URP / HDRP Update!
This Unity3D package is a prefabs kit (+60 prefabs/meshes), to help you to create high tech neutralshowrooms interiors. Present your products in 3D! (projects presentation, multimedia events, interactive applications etc...).
You can create any size you want rooms with corridors! you also have prefabs that enablethe creation of large podium. 4K textures set is provided (Diffuse (4 styles), metal, AO, normal).
The pack is tablet and mobile friendly! Just think to resize textures... Flat textures are provided,if you want to personalize the kit for your needs. 3D letters and numbers are included, to allowyou to create your own messages.
Prefabs include their lights, you just have to change the colors to personalize your own showroom!