Hello! I would like to offer a 3D model of the magic book that is fully rigged and animated! You can open it of an individual page or right in the middle for the presentation. There are seven individual pages that the book can be opend on. The book opening animation and turning of the pages is baked in the .fbx file that is included with the model.
the mesh is based on quads only optimized for animation. The number of vertices might be higher in regions that are bendable to make the mesh less deformed after the deformation by the bone of the rigging.
Please, see the provided youtube video to see the animation. You can use is in the game engine of your choice. Each page that can be turned is a separate object with a separete material. The pages ate textured as you can see in the images, but I also provided the texture files with no pictures applied. Therefore, you can customize this model for your own purposes. Make it opened on the pages with your own mystical writing!
In the video, you can see the shape of the piles of pages changes due to the book opening. I used shape keys for it which are driven be bones of the armature. There shoud not be a problem to import the model to the game engine as shape keys are supported by Unity, for instance.
all the textures are packed within the .blend file (except empty pages) but also all the texture files are packed in archive files.
Textures of the cover include: Base Color, Roughness, Metallic, Normal, Height; thextures of the pages are: Base Color, Roghness, Normal, Height.
If you have any question regarding the model, please message me via the CGTrader.