Low-Poly Models of Stationery. Originally created with Blender. Tested in UE5. Previews are rendered with Cycles.
Environment, lighting setup and the texturing are included in the file.
2K 1K diffuse, roughness, normal, metallic maps are included.
MechanicalPencilVertices 402Faces 384Triangles 728
Pen1-1,2,3Vertices 282Faces 298Triangles 550
Pen2-1,2,3Vertices 576Faces 583Triangles 1,130
Pen3Vertices 381Faces 370Triangles 736
Pen4Vertices 386Faces 368Triangles 696
PencilVertices 122Faces 138Triangles 240
PenStandVertices 685Faces 684Triangles 1,332
RulerVertices 12Faces 8Triangles 20
ScissorsVertices 618Faces 654Triangles 1,212