Game ready LP model
Contains .blend and** .fbx files**Also contains a unitypackage prefab Conference_Room contains a fully assembled conference room and customized prefabs and materials. Used in Buil-In render pipeline.
The model is made to real world scale using centimeters.
Presented Marmoset file for showcasing geometry and space, without light and texture settings.
Conference room is a photorealistic 3D model, that will help you to add realism to your project. The model is suitable for any visual production.
1) High quality polygonal model, correctly scaled for an accurate representation of the original object.
2) Model is fully textured with all materials applied.
3) All textures and materials are included and mapped in every format.
4) This models are grouped for easy selection, and objects are logically named for ease of scene
All objects and materials have unique and logical names and layers.