This is a model of a Bi-fold shutter door built to scale originally build with Blender 2.79. All the doors’ parts are built to scale and are joined individually to a bone structure. The doors and outer frame are separate, thus the shutters can open/close individually. The Blend file contains and a skeleton attached to the doors and an open/close door animation. Blender plain textures are used on the doors.
|| USAGE || The Blend project file includes cameras, lights and renders settings.The model is extremely detailed and realistic. Suitable for a movie prop, architectural visualizations, and advertising renders.
|| SPECS ||This model consists of 91 objects | Vertices: 503 483 | Faces: 484 692
|| PRESENTATION IMAGES ||All preview images are rendered with Blender Cycles Renderer. Product is ready to render. Render setup is included as a separate Blender file, which is needed to produce images that match the thumbnails.