The Yantar watch was made at the Oryol watch factory in the middle of the 90s of the twentieth century in the USSR. The electromechanical clock was famous for its accuracy and reliability of the case, it is an imitation of wood. Model size height: 31.7 cm width: 21.6 cm depth: 4.1 cm Polys: 38732, Verts: 38954. Units: sm. All elements of the model (watch_amber_second_hand, watch_amber_minute_hand, watch_amber_metal_ring, watch_amber_hour_hand, watch_amber_glass) are tied to (watch_amber_base). This means to change the position of the model you need to manage (watch_amber_base). The clock hands are synchronized and controlled by these elements (watch_amber_minute_hand) or (watch_amber_hour_hand). In addition to (watch_amber_base, watch_amber_metal_ring) MeshSmooth is used for detailed visualization, it is disabled.