Focused on the origin.
Composed by:
3 objects with a mesh manifold each of different glasses: Glass, Glass_Carved and Glass_Classic.
With 2 ice cube in 3 objects, with a mesh manifold each: Ice_Cube, Stan and Ice_Cube_With_Stand.
The bottle is an object with 3 manifold mesh, bottle, stopper and wire.
An object for cork uncapped with a mesh manifold: Stopper_Cork_Uncapped.
An object for stopper metal with a mesh manifold: Stopper_Metal.
It also includes 4 objects with a mesh manifold each for champagne in different containers (glasses and bottle).
16,167 vertices and 32,338 edges (total).
Glass and Glass_Classic: 864 quads, 866 vertex and 1,728 edges (each).
Glass_Carved: 2,431 quads, 2,433 vertex and 4,862 edges.
Champagne: 384 quads, 386 vertex and 768 edges.
Champagne_Carved: 1,166 quads, 1,168 vertex and 2,332 edges.
Champagne_Classic: 320 quads, 322 vertex and 640 edges.
Champagne_Bottle: 608 quads, 610 vertex and 1,216 edges.
Bottle: 3,634 quads, 3,624 vertex and 7,268 edges (3 manifold meshes).
Ice_Cube: 988 quads, 990 vertex and 1,976 edges.
Stand: 1,056 quads, 1,058 vertex and 2,112 edges.
Ice_Cube_With_Stand: 1,692 quads, 1,694 vertex and 3,384 edges.
Stopper_Cork_Uncapped: 640 quads, 642 vertex and 1,280 edges.
Stopper_Metal: 1,522 quads, 1,508 vertex and 3,044 edges.
Subdividable topology.
Clean edge flow.
No isolated vertices.
No coincident vertices.
No coincident/coplanar faces.
No faces intersected.
No faces distorted more than 45 degrees.
No loss geometry.
No poles with more than 5 edges.
Optional normal textures available in additional file for fbx and obj formats.
4 textures for bottle.
2 textures for glasses.
1 texture for ice cubes.
9 textures for champagne.
The FBX and OBJ files are exported from Blender 2.78 (-Z Forward, Y Up) and may need some adjustment (textures).
birthdaycelebrationchampagnecupdrinkglassglass champagnehouseinteriorlow polymanifoldreal timetablewaretoasttoasterwedding