This white wood door model is a good fit for a modern house project, it's made up of 5,076 vertices, 9,678 polygons, and 4,655 faces, with PBR materials.
In the .blend file, the door, frame, knobs and hinges are in a hierarchy (hinges are parented to the door and the frame, knobs are parented to the door, the door is parented to the frame, and the frame is parented to an empty object for easier mobility). In addition, there is a control object (an empty sphere) that can be used to rotate the door on the Z axis only from 0° to 115°.
The dimensions for the frame are (1.24, 0.218, 2.43) in meters.The dimensions for the door are (0.995, 0.0689, 2.29) in meters.
The model is available in .obj, .fbx, and .stl formats, as well as .blend.