NOTE (as of 2023) To make this model more accessible for all: All licensed textures have been replaced by copyright-free (cc0) textures.
This project is developed in blender 2.93.0
This download contains a complete furnished apartment. everything is textured and the lighting is completely baked for fast Eevee renders (day and night version). This model can be used for commercial purposes and works with realtime game engines.
Short description
This is a modern apartment with a furnished interior for Blender Eevee and cycles. This is a original designed and modeled apartment.
Day and night version
There are 2 blend files available with both a fully baked day and night version of this villa, Both versions can be set to cycles
All doors and window covers are animated by keyframes.These keyframes can be moved to suit your animation or static renders.The doors are parented to the floor of the house, so when moving and rotating the structure, the doors will keep opening like they should.
The animations are not exported into other file formats.
Performance (Eevee)
The scene is optimized to get as much performance and as little memory usage as possible. I would still recommend a system with at least 8gb RAM and 6gb GPU memory. (although the rendered Eevee viewport uses less than 4gb RAM and GPU memory)If your GPU doesn’t have enough memory, you can always choose to render with cycles on your CPU.
All cycles settings are already set up (samples, bounces, denoiser) the only thing manually adjusted is the different camera exposure for every roomWhen rendering with Cycles, Try to only turn on the lights of the spaces that are actually visible on the renders. Especially the sunlight’s quality will be much more noisy when many lights are turned on.
The complete structure, all elements and furniture is originally designed and modeled by me.The artwork are renders from older projects, as well as procedurally generated canvas arts (these artworks are available in the blend file, but not exported into other file formats).
This scene is designed and optimized around Eevee. all the lighting and reflections are baked in by using a irradiance volume and reflection cubes. This engine is perfect to make animations that are rendered quick. Every new asset added to this scene will automatically adopt the lighting and reflections.
Scene setup
Objects are named and grouped into categories, so they can be easily hidden/unhiddenAll objects are easily movable, and objects like interior doors have the pivot point on the hinges.
Procedural art
This house contains a few canvasses with modern art. This is procedurally generated art with Blenders default nodes. When this object is being copied, it automatically generates new artworks. So it is possible to replace an existing piece with something newly generated.
Other engines/software
It’s possible to use this in other (game)engines as well but for optimization reasons some materials use the same colormap but with a HUE node connected to them. So for other software, some textures need to be replaced or it's HUE edited in the game engine or photo editing software.
Some materials like the pool water and canvas arts are procedurally generated and need to be replaced by alternative sources your preferred software.
Use cases:
(commercial/monetized) Examples for this scene can be used for: Game / Environment design, VR, AR and other realtime apps. Research, Interior and exterior renders, Greenscreen, Animation, advertisement, Education, presentations, Design study, Film scene
Feel free to use the assets in and around this house for projects as well.
• Objects: 265
• Verticles: 226,755
• Edges: 441,264
• Faces: 216,232
• Triangles: 441,402
Native file
• BLEND (native)
All file exports are exported using blenders default settings.
• X3D