JUNG LS Cube - LS Touch smart KNX kit 54 items
Scene include 54 items of the user interface design screens
Each model is integrated in a special box for quick installation in the wall or other surface.
Compatible with all covers of the range LS.
LS CUBE captures the shape of the iconic flat LS 990 switch with narrow frames. It is the ideal solution for open spaces with a loft-like character, exposed concrete or natural stone.
LS TOUCH - the smart KNX room controller
For comprehensive individual room control: LS TOUCH combines intuitive operation of the KNX functions with visualization, and is the new smart room controller from JUNG.
LS TOUCH covers up to 32 KNX functions per device. The thought behind the development of the smart room controller was to extend the classic KNX operation functionally and to bring it all into one device. Up to eight weekly timers allow users to control different functions at different times (e.g. in the evening, the lighting in the living room has the focus). Furthermore, they can change the times themselves, change favorites and adapt the menu: grid size, number of pages and layout can be adapted individually by the user.
made in Germany
Material: Painted duroplastic / thermoplastic
10 colors included:
Frame size:
Polys: 48090
Verts: 82072
Scene units millimeters
There are no textures. All texts and icons are made from polygonal geometry.