ELECTRIC EARWAX REMOVER was modeled inside of Autodesk Maya 2023 which is the latest version so if end user or buyer faces any complications with opening the program in an earlier version please do not hesitate to contact me. All pieces and parts of the model is UV wrapped so if you wantedto add or edit texture maps, there are extra files in illustrator format to help guide you change logos easily. The model also comes with a basin, I thought that might be helpful as well so feel free to use that.
The inside tube is goes through connecting to the disposable soft ear tip which is great for simulations directly from the 500 ml water bottle at the bottomof the device. There are also 4 LED lights at the back of the magnifying glass connecting to the disposable soft ear tip as well.
There are: 27796 polygons 55592 edges 27846 VerticesIt is a low-poly model but as usual you can apply subdivion NURBs to make it even more smoother. The maya and Max version already have subdivion NURBs so you can decrease or increase mesh resolution.
If you encounter any problems with the model please do not hesitate to contact me about it.