height : 20 meters
originally created cinema4d R25 ready scene with corona materials
with VR render c4d R25 corona 8
rendered with corona 8 ready scene with materials and lights in cinema4d R25
only native file ready to render cinema4d R25 and corona 8 render
Modeled objects are grouped !!
only textured not UVMAPPED
The model does not contain materials and textures in the exported formats
max , c4d , blender screenshots are available in photos.
There is no texture in the exported formats because I used corona material
in exported formats , you must reassign the materials
Cinema4d R25 (corona 8 ) ready to render with texture and materials
3DSMAX 2016 (no material and texture only model)
Blender 2.83 (no material and texture only model)
FBX (no material and texture only model)
DAE (no material and texture only model)
you can see the screenshots without buying the model
Polygons : 171469
Vertex : 168453