Real time, Game ready, black pla plastic coat hanger, used for hanging up clothing in a closet/wardrobe or on a clothes rack. it features a bar on the bottom, ideal for pants/trousers as well as shirts.
dimensions: 42.9cm x 22.9cm x 1.4cm | 16.8x 9 x 0.5"
Great for games or animation
Easily Customizable: Contains no overlapping UVs so you could create new textures for it or modify the existing ones.
Real Scale
.OBJ Format, .FBX Format and .glTF Format
Textures are up to 2k in resolution which look great downscaled to whatever resolution required.
Texture formats: -Split: Ambient Occlusion, Base Colour, Glossiness, Roughness, Metallic, Specular, Normal DirectX, Normal OpenGL.
-Unreal Engine Packed: Base Colour, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic, Normal DirectX
Unity URP(metallic): Base Colour, MetallicSmoothness, Normal OpenGL
Feel free to ask if you need conversion in other formats