Painting frame wall

Painting frame wall Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
Binary FBX
No unsupported objects
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters

Wall Painting fames 3d models

Digital painting is a method of creating an art object (painting) digitally or a technique for making digital art on the computer. As a method of creating an art object, it adapts traditional painting medium such as acrylic paint, oils, ink, watercolor, etc. and applies the pigment to traditional carriers, such as woven canvas cloth, paper, polyester, etc. by means of computer software driving industrial robotic or office machinery (printers). As a technique, it refers to a computer graphics software program that uses a virtual canvas and virtual painting box of brushes, colors, and other supplies. The virtual box contains many instruments that do not exist outside the computer, and which give a digital artwork a different look and feel from an artwork that is made the traditional way. Furthermore, digital painting is not 'computer-generated' art as the computer does not automatically create images on the screen using some mathematical calculations. On the other hand, the artist uses his own painting technique to create a particular piece of work on the computer.

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Painting frame wall
Royalty Free License 
Painting frame wall
Royalty Free License 
Response 88% in 6.1h
3D Modeling
UV mapping
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Studio (.3ds) (2 files)4.57 MBVersion: 2015
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)5.36 MBVersion: 2015Version: 2015
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 (.max)4.06 MBVersion: 2015Renderer: Corona 5
  • Collada (.dae)4.06 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)4.6 MBVersion: 2015

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-01-04
  • Model ID#2791501
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing