There are 6 objects in the scene, a basin mixer, a hide basin mixer, and two sinks, in black and white matte ceramic.A turbo-smooth system was opened at all objects during rendering (I recommend 2 iterations for close angles, 1it for long distance).
Manufacturer Volle
Round washbasin VolleReference - 13-01M-040 (white) 13-01MBlack-040 (black)Number - 120 * 00 (white) 130 * 00 (black)Dimensions - 355 * 355 * 125mm
Volle washbasin mattReference - 13-01M-035 (white) 13-01MBlack-035 (black)Number - 120 * 00 (white) 130 * 00 (black)Dimensions - 360 * 360 * 125mm
Washbasin mixer high VOLLE Benita 35mmArticle - 15171200Room - 85 * 00
Wall-mounted washbasin mixer VOLLE Benita 35mmArticle - 15171300Room - 105 * 00
In the archive 2 3dmax files (corona & vray)And also fbx & obj.