Restroom Partition Stalls with wood finish
Set of partition stalls, 3 stalls, 1st is ADA 56Wx60D, second two are 36Wx60D.-1Thick panel dividers, all objects modeled to scale. -First stall has all brackets and panel for end piece-Last stall has all brackets and panel for end piece-Can add many more in between the middle stalls-All brackets, locks, hinges, included-Wood Finish panels with stainless steel hardware, maps included-Modeled in 3ds max, rendered using Vray-All objects grouped into 1 group. Doors grouped into door so you can rotate the door open.-Rotate door open by opening main group, then rotating door open to desired location, if Pivot is not set to hinge move it to hinge by going toHierarchy---> Click onAffect Pivot Point" then moving pivot point to center of hinge.-All objects at 0,0,0 for easy scene movement.
Happy Modeling, Enjoy!