Hans Grohe Shower Controls:
Croma Green- Handheld Showerhead.Raindance ShowerheadS Tub Spout-9"S Thermostatic Trim w. Volume Control and Diverter
Modeled to Scale and Dimensions-Modeled in 3ds Max 2015, rendered using Vray-Tub NOT included, see my page for tub and shower controls and tub model.-Brushed Aluminum texture included, Bronze Finish Color (can be modified in diffuse slot)-Model is Grouped into 1 object, Each object in group is named logically.
-Not all objects have turbosmooth modifier.Polygon count without subdivisionSubdivision 0:Polygon: 34,272Vertices: 39,067Subdivision 1: Polygon: 53,112Vertices: 47,163Subdivision 2: Polygon: 117,624Vertices: 79,531Subdivision 3: Polygon: 375,672Vertices: 172,481
Happy Modelling!Enjoy!