Vertices 54,158Polygons 53,251 (53,251 quads, 46 tris)
Bathroom Set with Pedestal sink, toilet, bathtub (with shower), mirror, wall lamps, toilet paper (with hanger), hand towel (with hanger) bench, and cabinet. Mostly quad and few tri geometry. Vertices and polygon count are with no subdivision. Everything except the walls and floor are subdivision ready.
Preview images were render with Blender 2.79 Cycles RenderMaterial render done with level 2 sub-divisionSaved as .blendExported as .obj .fbx .dea
Bathroom with :Pedestal sink with handlesToilet with handle, seat, and lidBathtub with shower head, curtain, and handle
MirrorWall lamps x2Toilet paper with wall hanger (one piece)
Hand towel on hanger (one piece)Cushioned benchCabinet (Polygons 918) with doorsWalls and floorArea lamp
Bathroom Textures (all 4096 x 4096)Bathroom_AO.pngBathroom_Diffuse_Color.pngBathroom_Normal.pngBathtub_AO.pngBathtub_Diffuse_Color.pngBench_AO.pngBench_Diffuse_Color.pngBench_Normal.pngCabinet_AO.pngCabinet_Diffuse_Color.pngCabinet_Normal.pngLamp_AO.pngLamp_DIffuse_Color.pngMirror_AO.pngMirror_Diffuse_Color.pngMirror_Normal.pngSink_AO.pngSink_Diffuse_Color.pngToilet_AO.pngToilet_Diffuse_Color.pngToiletPaper_AO.pngToiletPaper_DIffuse_Color.pngTowel_Hanger_AO.pngTowel_Hanger_Diffuse_Color.pngTowel_Hanger_Normal.png
Environmental Texture (2048 x 1024)ReflectEnvEquirectangular.png