Polygons:824,854Vertexes: 922,0393ds max 2016Render engine: corona and Vray 5 update 1.3Previews are rendered with coronaSystem units are centimeters Dimension of the stool are L:26.5CM ,W:26.5CM ,H:41.2CMDimension of bathtub tray are: L:83CM ,W:16CM ,H:4.5CMRadios of the round tray is:15.3CM Tile dimension are L:168CM ,Width of the top:17 CM ,H:26CM and each tile on it's own is: 12.5 CM and 4.5 CM.mirror dimensions are W:14cm H:30.5cm
All objects in the scene are attached, and have their own material of the same name / Multi / sub-object. Unwrapped in the necessary ones other one are UVW map.
When purchased and extracted you will find two 3ds max files; one in the corona and one in Vray render engine and each one of them is 180MB.you will also find an Obj file in the size of 115 MB along with the map folder which has 81 textures in it in the size of 105MB.
Mirror: https://www.dykeanddean.com/en-de/products/close-up-mirror-oak variant=11874504961&epik=dj0yJnU9WmJWYWlUc1Fqb2I5RTdEZ1dTNGlpbkJEUjItMWZ6bV8mcD0wJm49UFV4V0tjVG1Ja1FWMWZuMVdHUGdBZyZ0PUFBQUFBR0pKcDBFJar with lid and tray: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/saxborga-jar-with-lid-and-tray-set-of-5-glass-cork-40391879/Pot: https://www.aditwebs.it/ProductDetail.aspx?iid=86563713&pr=24.88Candle: https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0987278002.html