Collection of 40 hand tools - Each tool has a Clean/Used or Dirty/Dilapidated variant texture set. PBR textures either 2k or non-square 4k textures • Albedo • Metalness • Roughness • Normal • AO.
Assets include - Axe - Broom - C Clamp - Chisel - Caulking Gun - Crowbar - 4 Files - Garden Shears - Hacksaw - 3 Hammers - Hand plane - Pickaxe - Pipe Wrench - Pitchfork - 2 Pairs of Pliers - Pruning Saw - Prybar - Rake - Rivet Gun - Rubber Mallet - 2 Saws - 3 Screwdrivers - 2 Shovels - Sledgehammer - Spanner/Wrench Adjustable - 2 Spanners/Wrenches - Trowel - ViceContains.Fbx file of each assetSeparate Fbx's including 3 levels of detail (LODS)OBJ's of each assetAll texturesUnity PackageUnreal Project