by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19
This model contains a deep freeze containers which has about actual dimensions. You can use them in games as assets models because they are so lightweight at polygon counts.
You can change the colors or logos easily if you have a little knowledge of PhotoShop or other editing softwares.
Anyway, if you looking something cold, nice in shape and price than do not think twice about to buy this.
A refrigerated container or reefer is an intermodal container (shipping container) used in intermodal freight transport that is refrigerated for the transportation of temperature-sensitive cargo.
While a reefer will have an integral refrigeration unit, they rely on external power, from electrical power points (“reefer points”) at a land-based site, a container ship or on quay. When being transported over the road on a trailer or over rail wagon, they can be powered from diesel powered generators (gen sets) which attach to the container whilst on road journeys. Refrigerated containers are capable of controlling temperature ranging from -65 °C up to 40 °C.[1]
Some reefers are equipped with a water cooling system, which can be used if the reefer is stored below deck on a vessel without adequate ventilation to remove the heat generated.[2]
Water cooling systems are more expensive than air current ventilation to remove heat from cargo holds, and the use of water cooling systems is declining.[1] Air cooling and water cooling are usually combined. Air cooling removes the heat generated by the reefers while water cooling helps to minimise the heat produced by the reefers. The reefers are using some heat exchangers that behaves as water cooled condensers: water cooling.
DFContainers(SOURCE).c4d is the main file for Cinema 4D users. Parent pieces and childrens are seperated and grouped as main objects.
DFContainers.c4d is baked Cinema 4D file with image textures.
Other formats are in FBX, OBJ, 3DS and DAE (MAT file included) which are similar to baked C4D file with baked textures.
TEX folder has standart image textures for the source file.
UVSKINS folder includes the baked UV maps for other formats.
No PBRs.
33 objects
19,053 polygons
19,298 points
-Follow my tutorials in youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
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