Um simples martelo comum. Contem três objetos sendo o cabo, a cabeça e uma capa superior. A geometria contem poligonos quadrados e triangulares, podendo ser ajustada conforme a necessidade. Para isso basta editar a geometria refazendo o bake do normal map utilizando o object map e o bump. O pacote de texturas contem: -Color -Surface Color (Color + Diffusion) -Diffusion -Bump -Normal map -Object map -Roughness -Metalic -Specular (Metalic com Roughness no canal de alfa)
A simple common hammer. It contains three objects: the handle, the head and an upper cover. The geometry contains square and triangular polygons and can be adjusted as needed. To do this, simply edit the geometry by redoing the bake of the normal map using the object map and bump. The texture pack contains: -Color -Surface Color (Color + Diffusion) -Diffusion -Bump -Normal map -Object map -Roughness -Metalic -Specular (Metalic with Roughness in the alpha channel)