This is a low poly axe with a clean but used look to it. Great for an outdoor environment, leaning against a stump or a makeshift weapon. It is built with clean and 100% quad geometry. It has been UV unwrapped. The UV map is non-overlapping. The axe is a single part. Material renders were rendered with level two subdivision. All wireframe renders have been rendered with no subdivision except for the one labelled with level two subdivision for your reference in case you choose to add it.
All preview images were rendered with Blender 2.79 Cycles Renderer.The native file format is Blender 2.79 (.blend)Exported files as:.obj.fbx.dae.3ds
Textures include:(Resolution: 2048 x 1024)Axe_COLOR.pngAxe_METAL.pngAxe_NRM.pngAxe_AO.pngAxe_ROUGNESS.pngReflectEnvEquirectangular.png (just used this one to enhance reflections)