Multipleformats: max 2010 c4d obj fbx dae. Native format max 2010 vray, alsoconverted into standard material (mentalray renderer).
Inthe scene vray are present physical cameras and lighting, very samesettings you can see in preview rendered images.
Themodel is fully unwrapped, non overlapping. This way if you need torender an animation quickly you can bake textures easily in minutes.Original lowpoly geometry + meshsmooth has been collapsed beforeexporting into obj, dae, fbx.
Allformats have been checked on multiple software. Linear workflow gamma2.2 textures.
Theclock strikes the hour and minute, the engine of the watch is made ofa turbine consists of a mill wheel that transmits with a cardan shaftenergy to the "train" of the mechanisms regulated by thependulum and the escapement. The energy is formed by the fallingwater.
Thewhole mechanism is visible and is supported by a steel frame, thewheel is in wood - built on the model of the wheels of the watermills - the mechanism, formed by the toothed wheels brass, isprotected above by a cover carried by the same structure that supportthe mechanism.