A model of old wooden barrels. The model is ready for game and include 3 LODs and a single material for each variant. It is available in 4 color variations (brown wood clean & dirt / clear wood clean & dirt) and 2 physical variations (barrel with metal strapping and barrel with ropes strapping). Then you can use the barrel object in any material variation with or with ropes. Ropes objects have the same material as the barrels.
Originally created with Blender 2.79 All materials work for PBR rendering.
Low poly & game ready model
3D model LOD0
3D model LOD1
3D model LOD2
Materials in scene : 1Textures size : 4K, 2K & 1K (4096px, 2048px & 1024px)Textures (Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Normal DirectX , Normal OpenGL, Heigh, and AO) are included Textures formats : JPG & PNG
Real scale : Yes