A wall of bars for a jail or dungeon is an important fantasy game item. Surprisingly there is not a lot available that has an ancient look and is modular enough to be stacked to end to make cells. I like this piece as it's believable as something you might come across in a long ago age or out of an episode of Game of Thrones. It features a grainy red/orange rust texture that would feel rough while peeking out of a prison cell. Included are three compelling layouts, one with strait bars, one with slightly crooked bars, and one with very crooked bars. The last might be used for a barbarian having bent them to break out. I use the slightly crooked version for my OpenGL fantasy game world. The 'Cage' would make a great companion piece for this, also by this modeler. A useful piece and a fine example of the great variety of richly textured models offered by salexniks2.