imoneta2dcutie imoneta2dcutie
A set of 3 rusted Industrial warning signs.
If you like the style of the signs but want something else printedon them, message me and I'll see what I can do.
Model: -UV's: non-overlapping -Faces: 58 faces/object (116 triangles) -Rendering: Blender Cycles -Native format: Blender 2.79 -Every object has been properly named (same for its materials)
Textures (available at 512x, 1K and 2K in Textures.zip): -Metal-rough: basecolor, rougness and metallic -Spec-gloss: diffuse, specular and glossiness -Additional : normals, height and AO -All maps are separatly baked from high-poly meshes (all saved for who might be interested).
Each sign has its own dedicated texture-set.