This model was created natively in c4d 2023 and rendered out using the Redshift render engine, this model is a high-quality model which comes with a lot of cool details you'll find in real life products,they are all created in order to satisfy the satisfaction of the customer, the models are primarily made up of polygons and the labels used were natively created in Adobe Photoshop. This model comes with two different attached boxes, One which is closed and the other which is partially opened.
Included formats are
File which contains the materials, shaders, lighting setup etc.
C4D: that include materials and shadersOBJFBX3DSGLBGLTF
Use this model in your cosmetic renderings and if you have your own custom labels that you want to add to the models, dont hesitate to contact me. You can also hire me for your CUSTOM PROJECTS If you have any problem using the model, contact me and I will help you out, and if you enjoy the model, A POSITIVE RATING is always appreciated. As always thanks for checking out my models, you're awesome!!
Best Regards.