tojek-vfx2022-10-29 23:12:55 UTCGreat model, it imported directly into UE5, and after adding basic sky and sun it looks great. The model has good scale, makes it look like a big oil platform.
paularion2022-10-16 19:58:30 UTCThe model initially did not fit my needs because the textures were not assigned to the model. I contacted the seller and he converted it all to Unreal 5 and applied all textures and made it work. Great service. Thanks
3d-noob2021-08-19 09:31:03 UTCWell, the meshes look OK but the materials and textures are another story. Unless you have Cinema 4D plus V-ray, be prepared to recreate all the materials yourself, assign the few textures that come with the model by hand and possibly find or create new ones for yourself (e.g. for normals, roughness, etc.). Basically assume that you get a mesh and that is pretty much it.
While the creator was trying to be helpful, I can only recommend this model with reservations and only to those willing to put in the work mentioned before (if you have C4D + V-ray that may be a different story; I wouldn't know, because, while I use Cinema 4D, I don't have V-ray).