A metal Paint Can, or Paintbucket, that can be edited easily with any image editing software.
This model uses two different materials to make it easier to edit and to preserve quality for the most important part.Using the provided Grid (UV-layout image), you can edit the look of this can by simply editing with softwares such as Adobe Photoshop.The intended editable material is marked Main, and you can simply put any image you want into the color-output of this material, and it will display on the front of the paintbucket.The Grid is 1024x1024, but any 1x1 ratio will be working. If you have any questions or problems with this, make contact.
The paintbucket consists of 5 meshes. 1 main body mesh, 1 lid mesh, and 3 meshes making up the handle (these meshes are grouped)This lets you easily remove parts of the model should you not want it there, or animate parts of it, such as the handle.