Low-poly PBR Industrial Pressure Vessels PACK models with modular pipes intended for game/realtime/background use.Model was not intended for subdivision.
Createn in Maya16 and textured SP2
Modeled in real-world scale - Meters
No special plug-ins necessary to use this product
Quad/Tris only polygon - 46887Tris count: Separator - 6620 trisHeatExchanger - 7684DoubleHeatExchanger - 14098Reactor - 11632SphericalTank - 6672VerticalVessel - 8526Modular pipes - 5216 trisAll tris count - 72344
Model is included in 4 file formats Include only geometry with uvs, and texture need add manually. -Maya 2016 -FBX 2014/15 -OBJ -Unreal Engine 4.17-4.18 Asset (!With custom collusion!)
High quality 4096*4096 PBR (metal roughness) textures in PNG:
- Albedo; - Normal map; - Ambient oclusion; - Roughness; - Metallic.
Rendering in Unreal Engine 4 and Marmoset 3
Also check out my other industrial models.