This animated escalator is made with Blender 2.79 and Substance Painter and uses 1 Material. The height is - from floor to floor - 5,29 metres or 7,51 feet.
| Materials |
Albedo (you can you use the alpha for the transparancy or use the .jpg from the ' Alternate Textures' .zip for the Opacity mask))
Emissive (for the white lighting along the walk path and the blue lighting in the railing)
Ambient Occlusion
Additional Texturesets are added for use in Unity 5 and Unreal Egine 4. There is also a 8K PBR metal/Rough textureset added but note that all the renders in the previews are done with the lower resolution 4K textureset.
| Included file formats |
If you consider purchasing, but would like to see something altered, please let me know, i'd be happy to help.