• Low poly and optimized for Unreal Engine projects. You can check out this fuel station in our UE4 pack: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/sci-fi-asset-pack
•Here you can see this model in our pack prom in real-time project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncDAh7D-Jes
•Futuristic cyberpunk model of hi-tech sci-fi tank/fuel station for some spaceships or drones/robots.
•Animated loop (C4d/fbx)
•8k textures (for redshift,UE4 (4k) and PBR). Inculde also C4d project with RedShift materials (note: on preview i using HDRI map that not included and rendered it in RedShift 2.6). In preview renders you can see renders from redshidft and from i-ray. Triangulated model:13746 polys . Untriangulated: 7562
•Ideal for Space station interior, hi-tech room, action-like game.Custom collision for UE4 included.
•Another my 3D models that goes well with this one : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/science/other/sci-fi-teleport-platformhttps://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/electronics/other/hi-tech-sci-fi