prestoab 2021-10-25 14:25:30 UTCprestoab
Hey man, this looks great. Is it rigged for animation? C4D user here...
The model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2012 and rendered with V-Ray. Fidelity is optimal up to a 4K render. Renders have no postprocessing.
File Formats:
Cinema 4D R12 with standard materials
NOTE for Cinima 4D users: add HyperNURBS for each object to get subdivision ( smooth ). And make sure setting of HyperNURBS is Catmull-Clark and Subdivide UVs is Edge to correct textures and UVs.
NOTE: If you have problem with extract file please use latest version of winrar ( winrar is free )
Textures: ( just for the models have textures )