Khorjini V8 engine or eight-cylinder engine is a common and powerful engine in the automotive industry. The first type of eight-cylinder engine was invented by the French engineer Léon Lovavasseur in 1902, and this engine was used in airplanes and motorboats, and in 1904, it was used in the racing cars of the Renault company, and after that, other automobile factories also used the engine. They used eight cylinders v8.
In the v-shaped eight-cylinder engine, there are two rows of four cylinders that are arranged at a 90-degree angle in the shape of the letter v. In some v8 engines, there are other angles such as 45, 60 and 72 degrees, which makes the engine take up less space.The cylinders in the V8 engine do not fire at the same time. Each cylinder is ignited in turn, the order of which is not necessarily the same as the numbering of the cylinders. For example, in Ford cars, the ignition sequence is as follows: cylinder number one, then five, four, two, six, three, seven and finally number eight (1-5-4-2-6-3- 7-8). Then rotation starts again and continues as long as the engine is running.
The ignition sequence varies between different models of each manufacturer. Three other possible arrangements for cylinder numbering in a v8 engine are (1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2), (1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2) and (1 - 2 - 7 - 8 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 3). It is always best to check the vehicle owner's manual for the firing order of the engine cylinders of each particular car.