This asset is one 3D FBX box and one photorealistic texture.
Specific for Cinema Rendering and Game Development
This FBX 3D box model is a reproduction of a hand made case for F1A Nordic models. It's ready for production but it can be scaled in different ways and used for game development or Cinema as a general purpose box. It includes a photorealistic color texture map with sticker decals. There are different types of wood as examples. It also includes ambient occlusion, bump normal map and metallic roughness texture.
CREATION PROCESSThe original NURBS model was made inside of Rhino3D 6 using a real object as reference. Then converted to a poly-mesh object conserving the normal maps. The unwrapping and LOD were made inside Blender 2.8. There are three different LOD with low poly. The FBX was exported to Substance Painter 2019 for texturing. Finally it was imported to Unity 2019 and then created different prefabs LOD with PBR materials. Photorealistic textures made with Photoshop ready to be used in High Definition Render Pipeline
Total triangular polygons for each mesh group after forced triangulation
LOD2 Low poly: close box with round corners 92 total triangles
LOD1 TopCover Exterior 70
LOD1 TopCover Interior 44
LOD1 Base Exterior 98
LOD1 Base Interior 30
Other Hight detail objects