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Sincerely Your, SURF3DMORE INFORMATION ABOUT 3D MODELS :ROTARY DRUM FILTER are specially designed for suspended solids removal. These mechanical, self-cleaning filters use a combination of high-quality materials and patented processes for high performance in systems where it is essential to prevent particles from fragmenting.A Rotary Filter Drum consists of a cylindrical filter membrane that is partly submerged in a slurry to be filtered. The inside of the drum is held lower than the ambient pressure. As the drum rotates through the slurry, the liquid is sucked through the membrane, leaving solids to cake on the membrane surface while the drum is submerged. A knife or blade is positioned to scrape the product from the surface.
The technique is well suited to slurries, flocculated suspensions, and liquids with a high solid content, which could clog other forms of filter. It is common to pre-coated with a filter aid, typically of diatomaceous earth (DE) or Perlite. In some implementations, the knife also cuts off a small portion of the filter media to reveal a fresh media surface that will enter the liquid as the drum rotates. Such systems advance the knife automatically as the surface is removed.