Rigged and Animated, only the belt portion is animated (C4D ONLY).Cinema 4d file contains sliders to adjust the speed, numbers of the cubes in belt region.
For sliders to work correctly you need Cinema 4d broadcast/ studio version. (Even feeding elevator Mograph.rar)
If you have Cinema 4d prime/lite/visualize kindly use ((Even feeding elevator prime.rar)
Renders are achieved using Cinema 4d standard render with GI turned on. You will get the same render if use good HDR image.
Properly modeled with minimum poly count for faster visualization. All parts are UV mapped (not in mograph file, which is parametric), applied materials with textures.
Default scene with separate objects (body,belt,legs etc), if you want combined single mesh (for game) download combined folder.
Check my profile for more industry standard 3d models.
Feel free to ask for file conversion.