The Chernobyl Ferris Wheel, also known as the Ferris Wheel of Pripyat, stands as a haunting relic of a tragic past. Once a symbol of joy and amusement in the city of Pripyat, it now stands abandoned and rusting, a stark reminder of the catastrophic nuclear disaster that struck in 1986. The eerie sight of the wheel against the backdrop of the decaying city serves as a somber testament to the devastating consequences of human error and the importance of responsible technological advancements.
I have tried to add as many details as possible on this model and tried to cut down on verts and faces.I am still in the proces of lerning on how to make a bether models and how to make good texture.
Made in Blender 3.6.1 You can use this product for retopology, sculpting, backing maps and renders.All renders are taken in Blender.Meshes are grouped or joined together/ not all of themModel is not suitable for 3d printingThis models has no texturesModel is not rigged.
Verts: 2.082.926
Faces: 3.549.122
Tris: 3.745.382
Objects: 23
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