Wolf King Barbatos Wearable Head EVA Drawing.PDO files are not encrypted! You can freely adjust the size and modify the texture!
Yes this are adjusted for Helmet cosplay and the files aren't password protected so you can change the scale freely.
--- Pepakura ---If you want to see the .PDO files you need to download Pepakura (pretty much pepakura designer.) so you can adjust the patterns and scales for your head.
---Requirements--I adjust this files for beginners as well, So what you need is Foam , some regular printer that prints paper, some super strong glue , pins for the patterns to help you trace. If you have 3D printer or you have pepakura experience its obvious that you can skip this part.
--- Can i ust this for paper cospaly---I think you can but the thickness part has been removed but you can make improvised them easily.
If you are satisfied with the documents I sold, please give me a favorable comment. Thank you.
--- And? ---Make the Armor and have fun!