Size: 81x24x14mmReal size model but you can ask me to scale it.The model includes 9 separate parts and an assembly file.This model was designed in CAD (Solidworks) system and translated in other formats. Every part is designed with required material texture and separately assembled to avail different move. Attached: Original Solidworks (Parasolid), IGES and STEP.
BIC History:
The BIC® Lighter is recognized as a worldwide leader in producing a safe, reliable flame for millions of consumers every day. In more than 160 countries around the world, BIC has sold more than 30 billion lighters.Each day, BIC produces 6 million lighters worldwide. Quality and safety are built into the production process. BIC’s manufacturing process is one of the most modern in the world, using the highest quality raw materials available. BIC’s assembly processes are custom-designed to produce top quality lighters; specialized equipment analyzes 100% of the lighters produced and identifies non-conforming products, ejecting those that do not meet BIC’s stringent specifications.